About Us

Strycker's Bay Neighborhood Council, Inc.
For nearly five decades, Strycker's Bay Neighborhood Council (SBNC) has assisted low-income residents of the Upper West Side in overcoming challenges related to affordable housing, economic self-sufficiency, and neighborhood revitalization. SBNC currently exists to: 
  • Prevent homelessness through eviction prevention;
  • Educate about tenants' rights and fair housing practices;
  • Secure and preserve affordable housing for low-income families and individuals;
  • Ensure that eligible households secure the work supports they need;
  • Assist youth in becoming better learners with the desire and ability to be successful in school; and
  • Help neighborhood residents to develop programs that address critical needs they have identified, such as affordable food, education and employment.

West 96th Street  By association with his estate, the area between West 81st and West 99th Streets, Central Park West and the river became known as Strycker’s Bay.Strycker's Bay? The name Strycker’s Bay is derived from the early history of the area. Jacob Strycker was the first of the early Dutch settlers in this section, building a large house on the banks of the Hudson River near what is now

Strycker’s Bay Neighborhood Council
61 West 87th Street - Lower Level
New York, NY 10024
Phone: 212-874-7272
Fax: 212-874-2730